

Birthday: Chief OC congratulates Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, HRM Ahmed Tijani Anaje

Hon. Ibrahim Musa popularly known as Chief OC on Saturday felicitated the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, His Royal Majesty, Alhaji Ahmed Tijani Muhammed Anaje on the occasion of his birthday.

In a statement made available to newsmen, Chief OC said, he joined the good people of Ebiraland, and all associates of the Ohinoyi in celebrating the paramount ruler.

According to Chief OC, HRM is ready to serve his people with genuine intention and interested in their welfares.

He noted that the reign of His Royal Majesty has brought unprecedented development in Ebira Kingdom and Kogi State as a whole.

While urging the people of Ebiraland to continue to cooperate with the Ohinoyi as he strives to sustain existing peace in his domain, chief OC also prayed that the almighty God will grant the traditional ruler longer life, good health and wisdom to keep serving Ebiraland, Kogi State and the country.

              OC MEDIA TEAM

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