

Birthday: Kogi AG Greets Kogi State First Lady, Hajia Sefinat Ahmed Ododo

Kogi State Accountant-General, Hajia Habibat Oyiza Onumoko has felicitated with the First Lady of Kogi State, Her Excellency, Hajia Sefinat Ahmed Ododo on the occasion of her birthday.

In a statement made available to news men in Lokoja, Kogi State Capital, the AG described Hajia Sefinat as a symbol of hope for womanhood.

She commended the first lady's efforts towards providing unwavering support to delivering good governance for the people of Kogi State.

She said through numerous interventions for women and the vulnerable people in the society, the First Lady was able to promote government policies and development agenda.

Her statement in parts reads;

"I am happy to join the family of the First Lady, her well-wishers, and the good people of Kogi State to wish her more years of glory and an incredible honour.'

"No doubt her commitment has clearly reflected in the various initiatives and activities of the office of the first lady."

"Our First Lady is a courageous and a strong pillar of support for her husband, who is our Governor, His Excellency Alh. Ahmed Usman Ododo, both in his private and public life.''

"As she marks her birthday today, I pray that Allah will continue to protect her and her family and bless her with the wisdom to carry out affairs of the office of the first lady."

"On this auspicious occasion, i congratulate the First Lady and i wish her many happy returns."

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