

Succession to the stool of Olumagongo of Magongo 1st Class Status in Ogori-Magogo local government area

Following the directive of Kogi State Government In a letter issued by the Ministry for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs through the Director of Chieftaincy, Mr. Enimola A.E, the Local Government has been directed to put necessary machineries in motion for the commencement of appointing another Olumagongo of Magongo and update the Ministry on every step taken as the exercise progresses. 

Recall that the stool of Olumagongo of Magongo became vacant following the approval of the state government on 8th January, 2024 for the removal of HRH Sam Bola Ojo as the Olumagongo of Magongo on the ground of gross misconduct and abuse of office.

The Local Government Chairperson, RT Hon. Rosemary Ohiezu has therefore called on the Royal Family to put necessary missionaries in motion for the commencement of appointing another OLU MAGONGO.

PRO of Ogori-Magogo local government area JACOB OLA for the Chairperson RT Hon. Rosemary Ohiezu

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